Here you will find a collection of information, oppinion and an archive of media for a game I spent the better part of my young teens obsessing over.
Dragon Seeds is a game for the Playstation 1, developed and published by now defunct studio Jaleco. The general premise is you are cloning, raising and fighting creatures called "Dragons" in arena matches. I think it would be fair to say that the general mechanics and premise were not complex nor revolutionary. However, I will argue here for the creative direction of the title as its main draw and what makes me still enamored with it. As you explore this site, I hope you come to also see and appreciate the efforts of the team behind this title.
-translate text from 2016 OST booklet
-add samples of music
-add samples of weapons and reflectors
-Get booklet from OST translated
-Document concept art shown in OST booklet
-Find a way to display final designs of dragons